Needs analysis

Assessing the gap between Market Needs new competencies and skills and existing CE curriculum training offer.


  1. Investigating Market and Resilience Needs: we identified the competencies and skills required to address the challenges of the CE transition and meet resilience needs.

  2. Reviewing Existing Vocational Educational Training (VET) and Higher Education (HE) Training in CE: We aim to evaluate the existing VET and HE programs related to CE.

  3. Providing Insights: Our aim is to offer accessible insights to inform the competence development of HE/VET/Market stakeholders and promote the field of CE education.

Through collaboration with both industrial and civil society partners, CERES directly engages with stakeholders in strategic sectors, including e-waste, textile, and windmill industries, with the goal of identifying market needs in terms of required professional roles, skills, and competences.

The focus of CERES is on the European area, specifically in Denmark, Italy, France, Bulgaria, and the UK.
Conversely, through cooperation with educational partners, CERES investigates the supply side by mapping existing CE teaching and training opportunities. The resulting analysis helps identify potential gaps between current CE teaching courses and market demands.

Research Methodology
  • literature review
  • market analysis
  • surveys
  • interviews 
  • cooperative approach
  • skills and competencies mapping
Consult the Executive Summary of the Report on Circular Economy market labour educational needs
Read the Full Report on Circular Economy market labour educational needs

Our activities

Throughout the entire duration of the CERES project all project partners
are engaged in the following activities:

Needs analysis

Assessing the gap between Market Needs new competencies and skills and existing CE curriculum training offer.

Training curricula

Developing updated High Education (HE) and Vocational Education Training (VET) curricula.

Implementing courses

Implementing updated curricula through courses and modules.

Circular Hub

Developing innovative curricula for Higher Education (HE) and Vocational Education Training (VET) towards the digital and circular economy transition.